
Posted: Sunday, January 31, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Sutra je februar......jedan mjesec blize ljetu ,a usto svaki mjesec za mene predstavlja novi pocetak.Nadam se da cu u ovom mjesecu ispraviti odredjene stvari
i nadam se da ce biti bolji od Januara.Takodje sam sretan zato sto sutra pocinje floorball <3 (:...Uglavnom zopp do Februara XD odnosno do sutra.

Update 17:55

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Trenutno sam veoma umoran :P....nisam cijeli dan mogao ni gledati tv
ni ici na internet zato sto je struja stalno nestajala.
Kao i skoro svake nedelje i ovu sam proveo kod kuce....doduse izasao sam malo vani
mislim....XD.....malo sam setao psa a onda usao u kucu i skontao da je dosla struja.Trenutno crtam na Open Canvasu i visim po netu a uskoro cu uciti istoriju i biologiju.Nadam se da ce sutrasnji dan biti barem malo zabavniji od danasnjeg.......xP.....

Elvis Presley-Always on my Mind

True Legend never dies!!..

Hi ^_^

Posted: Saturday, January 30, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Upravo sam se vratio iz kina bilo je extra....
Twilight Love ♥


Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Nesto danas nisam najbolje raspolozen,boli me glava
a i neda mi se cekati do pola 5 da idem gledati New Moon ):.
Ali nema veze cekanje ce se isplatiti u to sam siguran x).....

Scream ;)

Posted: Friday, January 29, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Napokon je petak i vikend ....kao sto sam napisao u zadnjem postu sutra idem u kino gledati New Moon..
U skoli je bilo ok,zapravo je bilo prilicno dosadno ali to je normalno....xDD
Dosli su mi gosti iz makarske -.-'' veceras idem kod dede spavati.....xP......

Ovaj kratki Post zavrsavam pjesmom.....(:

Tokio Hotel Scream


Posted: Thursday, January 28, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Uskoro idem na spavanje.xP....u skoli je bilo prilicno dosadno ali trening je bio zabavan :D u subotu idem gledati New Moon,nisam mogao vjerovati da je napokon dosao i kod nas,zopp do sutra (:

Let's Scream together

Posted: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Danas u pola pet Borko Stevan i Boban dolaze kod mene na bend probu :DDDD.
Danas cemo napisati nove liricse,najvjerovatnije xD cu ih objaviti.Ai sad zopp moram ici pisati liricse.....

Scream Logo ;D

Awesome :]

Posted: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Ova pjesma me inspirise da uradim neke stvari.........(:

Smile till you drop.

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

U skoli je bilo extra,zajebavali smo nastavnike xaxaxaxaxaxa 3:D
najjace je bilo biologiji hahhahahahah.......DjUradj car nije nas pito :)........I tako uglavnom danas smo se u skoli zajebavali vise nego ikad msm,sutra idem u kino sa Borkom,Milosem,Bobanom i Stevanom gledati Odvuci me u pakao :DDDD.....jutros sam isao na trening bilo je preedoobroo iako sam se zbog njega morao probuditi u 7 -.- ali nema veze ^_^......


Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Sry shto nisam dugo pisao na bloggu.Sutra nema skole Hell Yeah 3:)..Jutros sam bio na treningu bilo je prejakooo samo je steta sto nam Floorball pocinje tek u februaru :*.Uglavnom sad chilluem i slusam i-pod ;).

Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Dobro Jutro.
Posto je danas prvi dan skole konto sam da se probudim ok 9,opet sam prespavao i probudio se u 11 -.-''.Imam jos samo sat i po do pocetka skole i zato trenutno nemam vremena da bloggujem,kada se vratim iz skole ispricacu ako se ista posebno dogodilo i objavicu neke slike ;),zopp......

Avril Lavigne When Youre gone

Posted: Sunday, January 24, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:


Knocking on Heavens door

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

<3 :].......


Posted: Saturday, January 23, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Upravo sam se istusirao brrrr xDDDD.......
Sutra mi navece dolaze kumovii yeahh.xP.....
trenutno igram Fifa 09 i za******* se a sutra
moram ponavljati istoriju xP....pokusacu da poslije istorije ako stignem malo odem u grad,nisam bio bog zna od kad LoL......mislim da znam gdje mi je usb pa cu sutra ako odem u grad objaviti slike.......;) bye now........

Me n Myself

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Kacket sam kupio u BL u Terranovi :].

“With each sunrise, we start anew”

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels: ,

“When dreaming, I'm guided through another world, time and time again. At sunrise I fight to stay asleep, 'cause I don't want to leave the comfort of this place, 'cause there's a hunger, a longing to escape, from the life I live when I'm awake.”


New Header :)

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Kao sto vidite dizajnirao sam novi header na blogu ^.^.
Nije nesto pretjerano ali je bolji od prosloga napravio sam ga preko Picnic.com.


Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Danas sam nekako sretan xDD nznm zasto al eto.....xP......
Mislim da je to zbog ove pjesme ..podsjeca me na jednu osobu.......<3

Kelly Clarkson Because of You

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you


A V A T A R :]

Posted: Friday, January 22, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Taj dan smo Borko,Boban,Stevan i ja odnosno The Scream (Moj bend) odlucili da odemo u kino.Posto nismo znali sta da gledamo nakon nekog vremena odlucili smo da gledamo AVATAR.Ja sam kontao da je film sranje ali kada sam ga pogledao znachi NO COMENT film je predoobar mislim da nisam i da nikad necu pogledati bolji film znaci prica je prespremna likovi fascinantni a jos usto film je napravljen u 3D verziji sve u svemu bolji film nisam ni necu ikad gledati u to sam siguran.A V A T A R rulzzz 4ever

Ja sam debilno ispo zato shto me slikao bash kad sam ja krenuo da skidam naochale.xP ali oni su dobro ispali :)

Salvation xDD

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Danas mi se nista posebno nije desilo mislim tek su 2 sata,znachi probudio sam se
malo slusao muziku na i-pod i chilowao.Veceras idem kod Igora na neku slavu.xP.
zbog snijega nemogu sk8tati.Tuzan sam zato sto sam izgubio USB i nemogu stavljati slike
na blogg :*.Uglavnom danas zbog snijega opet vladaa dosadaaaa........ai zoppp sad (:

Everything has it's time and it's place!!!

Posted: Thursday, January 21, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Ovo je najvjerovatnije zadnji post za danas poshto
ubrzo idem kod babe i dede zato zopp do sutra......a sutra cemo viditi KaKO dalje XD

Whole 2009 pop hits ;)

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels: ,

Whole 2009 :]

Shuffle [:

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels: ,

Neki dan sam dobio novi I-pod Shuffle 2g 4gb prije njega imao sam i-pod nano.....
iako je Nano bolji meni se wishe swidja Shuffle zato shto je manji i praktichniji xD.

My i-pod shuffle (ok this isny really mine i-pod but myne looks the same)

Hi (:

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Danas sam se probudio i otishao sa Andreom i Mladenom.xP.....voziti skirol
do 1 kada sam morao krenuti na trening
na treningu sam zaboravio trenerku :P i zbog nje sam propustio Life of Ryan
najwishe me nervira shto za 3 dana pochinje schkola i uopshte nechu mochi gledati Life of Ryan shto je bullshitt ):.......sry shto juche nisam nishta pisao juche sam se cijeli dan smarao gledajuci tv i visuci po netu,i vrijeme me za****** malo kisha malo snijeg pa odluchi se jbt -.-''.....ok ode chitati new moon ^.^ zopp do sledeceg posta

Being a rockstar has it's advantages and it's disadvantages!!!

Posted: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Danas sam se probudio oko 10,doruckovao i otisao u frizerski salon na sisanje,
poslije toga otisao sam na trening a sa treninga sam se vratio kuci.
U kuci sam gledao tv i surfao po netu do pola 6 kada sam izasao vani sa Andrejom
posto zbog ovakvog vremena nismo mogli voziti skirol za******* smo se i pricali viceve...xP......zopp do sledeceg posta........(:

Update 23:20

Posted: Monday, January 18, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Zadnji post je po meni bio prekratak....:)
Uskoro idem spavati.......odnosno citati New Moon [: hahhahah.
Sutra pocinju treninzi .....jedva cekam....xP.....
Mislim da cu sutra poslije treninga i matematike >.< izaci vani
i malo sk8tati naravno ako vani bude NORMALNO vrijeme sto je kod nas
u bl rijetkost -.-''.Kako me nervira zima aaaa nevidjeno nemogu docekati
da zavrsi skola i zima i da pocne ljeto <3.....
aaaaa SUMMER 2010 cant wait hahhahahha.....uglavnom zopp do sledeceg posta.......

RHCP Californication

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels: ,

I'αм ωнσ ι'αм αη∂ ωнσ ι ωαηηα вє!!!

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels: ,

I don't care what you're saying,I don't care what you're
thinking, I don't care about anything!

No city for me!!!

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Nishta od grada :*,
ali nema veze ipak je matematika odgodjena za sutra ^^...zoppp

Taio Cruz-Break Your Heart

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels: ,

Math -.-''

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Moram vjezbati matematiku...aaaaa.....pomagajteee.........xP......shitt...:(((((

Avril love x100000 xD

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Evo neke avril slichice......^^

Sooo beautiful.....<33....:3

Nothing special.

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Dan je bio dobar,mislim nista se posebno nije dogodilo.
Probudio sam se oko 12 xDDDD,doruckovao i sjeo za racunar...lol.
Konto sam da veceras odem u grad ali do veceras cu najvjerovatnije ostati u kuci
i visiti po youtubu.Iznervirao me j***** fejs :(( i iznervirale su me one jebene grupe u kojima pisu ko se u koga zaljubio mislim NIDJE WEZEE,nemogu vjerovat da ljudi koji su se zaljubili u odredjenu osobu misle da ce ih ta osoba primijetiti ako napravi grupu o tome da su se oni u nju zaljubili tako samo mogu da pogorsaju situaciju (mozda se ta osoba nije u njih zaljubila ili ju/ga je sramota da prizna da se zaljubio)....zopp do sledeceg posta,veceras cu ako odem u grad objaviti da li se ista posebno dogodilo u gradu uglavnom ZOPPP......(:

Kelly Clarkson-Because of you

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

extra pjesma....<3 :*

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

1. kolo - Juniorska floorball liga Banja Luka part 5

Posted: Sunday, January 17, 2010 by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

1. kolo - Juniorska floorball liga Banja Luka part 4

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

1. kolo - Juniorska floorball liga Banja Luka part 3

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

1. kolo - Juniorska floorball liga Banja Luka part 2

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

1. kolo - Juniorska floorball liga Banja Luka part 1

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

The Prodigy-Omen

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:


Dino Sertovic Otimanje

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Predobar skate video Stash rulzzz!!!

HAHAHAHAH Very funny!!

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

hahahhahahhahahah yeah very very close to heaven

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Twillight <3....predoobraa pjesma

Rodney Mullen

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Ovaj post je posvedjen Rodney Mullenu i zato cu ovaj post pisati na engleskom

Rodney Mullen is the first skater i ever came acrros and this post is dedicated to him, in this post i will put some of his photos and some of his interwievs and sk8t videos.
But first his BIOGRAPHY (taken from wikipedia)

John Rodney Mullen (born August 17, 1966 in Gainesville, Florida), known simply as Rodney Mullen, is a professional skateboarder considered by many to be the most influential skater in the history of the sport.[1] Mullen is credited with inventing at least 39 distinct skateboarding tricks, including the Flatland Ollie, the Kickflip (originally called the "magic flip") in 1983, the Heelflip, the 360 Flip, and the Impossible. Mullen is credited in numerous skateboarding videos, and has authored an autobiography.[2]Early career

"I fell in love with skateboarding because it was fun. There were no teams, there were no captains ... it was completely opposite of what I saw in so many sports: It was creative. I could walk around with my skateboard at the skatepark. I love skateboarding" Rodney Mullen, 2003[3]

Rodney Mullen in air
Rodney Mullen, 1988

Rodney Mullen began skateboarding at the age of ten after he promised his worried father he would stop the first time he became seriously injured. Rodney began practicing in full pads, and hung out with his sister's surfer friends who skateboarded on the week days.[4] In 1977, having owned a skateboard for less than a year, Rodney took third place in the Boy's Freestyle event at Kona in Jacksonville. Bruce Walker saw his performance and sponsored Mullen through Walker Skateboards.

When his family moved to a farm in a remote part of Florida, Rodney began perfecting his flatground techniques in the family garage. Mullen cites the isolation and lack of terrain naturally influenced him toward freestyle skateboarding. Rodney cites 1979 - 1980 as his "most creative time".[4] Mullen claimed many competitive victories in the late 70s, mostly in his home state, Florida, culminating in a win at the Oceanside Nationals in June, 1979.

In 1980, 14-year-old Rodney Mullen entered the Oasis Pro competition, defeating world champion Steve Rocco. Mullen soon turned professional as a member of the Bones Brigade sponsored by Powell Peralta. Rodney competed voraciously throughout the 80s—often frustrating both competitors and judges with his consistency and progressive ability[5]. By 1990 Rodney had won 34 out of 35 freestyle competitions that he entered, having been beaten only once by fellow Bones Brigade member Per Welinder. Rodney thus established the most successful competitive run in the history of the sport.

In early 1989, Mullen left the Bones Brigade to form World Industries as a principle investor with longtime friend and former rival Steve Rocco[5].
[edit] 1990s to present day

As the popularity of freestyle skateboarding declined, Mullen was often urged to move his style toward street skating[5]. This is hinted at in the World Industries video Rubbish Heap, where Mullen's sequence ends with team member Jeremy Klein 'focusing' (i.e. breaking) Rodney's freestyle skateboard, and handing him a note from Steve Rocco, symbolizing the end of freestyle.[6]

In 1991 Rodney joined the high-profile skateboarding team Plan B. Mike Ternasky, the Plan B founder, influenced Rodney to transition from freestyle to street skating, and showcased the results in the 1992 Plan B video Questionable. Mullen's segment begins with traditional freestyle tricks done on flat ground, but quickly accelerates across public terrain to shift into standard street skating. In relation to obstacles, he sequences tricks, mixes flip tricks with grinds and board slides. Staples of freestyle are taken to new heights as Mullen performs a Triple Kickflip, and originates the Kickflip Underflip. The sequence ends with the surprising darkslide, another trick not seen before.

Mullen's Questionable performance may have marked the beginning of a new era in street skateboarding. His reluctant departure from freestyle to become a street skater was a symbol that legitimized the technical direction street skating had taken over the previous few years. Mullen specialized at this progression in subsequent Plan B videos; noteworthy is 1993's Virtual Reality where Mullen showcases the newly-mastered darkslide.

I can't wait to wake up in the morning... A lot of times I can't sleep because I can't wait to try something new. How many people never really experience that feeling? Rodney Mullen, 2003[3]

Mullen's participation in Plan B dissolved after Mike Ternasky died unexpectedly in 1994. In 1997, Mullen started his own company, The A-Team, with the intent of forming a super team with the defection of Plan B from the World Industries empire.[4] Rodney talked to friend and fellow pro Daewon Song to plan the video Rodney vs. Daewon, which featured each skater competing in segments from trick to trick.

A-Team folded in 2000 and Mullen went from company founder to company rider under former A-Team rider Marc Johnson, who started Enjoi Skateboards. Mullen left Enjoi to head Almost Skateboards with Daewon Song, the company which he still helms and skates for. Mullen's role at Almost includes research and development on new designs and technologies, including Tensor truck in 2000[7] and experimental and composite deck constructions for Dwindle brands.[8]

In 2002 the World Industries companies, under the holding name Kubic Marketing, were bought out by Globe International for $46 million. Kubic's management remained intact and Mullen began working for Globe International under the Dwindle Distribution brand.[9]

In 2003 Rodney wrote and released his autobiography, entitled The Mutt: How to skateboard and not kill yourself. In late 2003 Rodney Mullen was voted as the all-time greatest action sports athlete on the Extreme Sports Channel's Legends of the Extreme countdown.[citation needed]

2007 - 2009 signaled another transition in his skateboarding career as Mullen worked to erase his riding stance, allowing him to move from Regular stance to Goofy Stance.[10] [11].
[edit] Invented tricks

The following is a list of all the tricks invented by Rodney Mullen.

1. Flatground Ollie
2. 540 Shove-It
3. Helipop (Frontside 360 Nollie)
4. Kickflip (Originally known as the "Magic Flip")
5. Crep Shoot Flip
6. Double Heelflip
7. Impossible
8. Casper/Anti-Casper
9. 360 Flip (Also known as the "Tre-Flip" or "360 Kickflip," the board does a kickflip and 360 shuv-it concurrently.)
10. Pressure Flip (Flipping with the same foot you popped the board with)
11. Half Cab Kickflip
12. No Comply (Ollie with one foot)
13. 180 Kickflip (Frontside/Backside)
14. Nosebone
15. Fingerflip
16. Ollie Airwalk
17. Varial Kickflip (A Kickflip and a Backside Pop Shove-It concurrently)
18. Varial Heelflip (A Heelflip and a Frontside Pop Shove-It concurrently)
19. Helipop Heelflip
20. Kickflip Underflip
21. Casperslide
22. Darkslide (Grinding using your griptape)

Ok now some videos:

Ok and now last part the pics ;)

Im so bored!

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Danas je bilo bas dosadno cijeli dan sam bio u kuci,zbog snijega nisam mogao sk8ati a i facebok me za*******.Ostalo je jos samo 7 dana raspusta i ako se radujem skoli zbog prijatelja mislim da nije fer shto su nam skratili ljetni raspust a produzhili schkolu, iskreno j**** im mater zbog toga.Nadam se da ce sutra biti bolje i da cu dobro iskoristiti ove zadnje dane raspusta odnosno zadnje dane SLOBODE......xDDD....PeAcE........zoppp do sledeceg posta xDDDD.....

GaGa the Queen

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

GaGa with the Queen

A sad jedan vic xDD...jebesh spuzva boba,teletabise i chuck norrisa kada je GaGa posjetila kraljicu engleske xDD.xP (ok nije bash neki vic ali opet.....)

Deck Dogz :) best movie ever

Posted: by Pavle Stojanovic in Labels:

Poshto je Nedelja i poshto bukvalno UMIREM od dosade xDD nznm shta bi napisao zato evo neke slike od najjacheg filma u istoriji filmova Deck Dogzz xDDD.O da evo i trejler filma extra je :DDD.

Sk8anje u trgovachkom centru xDD

Spasm,Poker (u sredini xD) i Blue Fame

Spasm,Blue Fame i Poker {Nema ga na ovoj slici} na skejt putovanju {Skate trip}

Spasm pokushawa da uradi noseslide i onda darkslide :DDD